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About Us


AO Films is an independent Filmmaking/Production company that specializes in high quality 4K cinematic documentaries which we call, "CineDocs." Our projects range from such topics as Social Justice, Pop Culture, Religion, Race-Relations and Politics. Our aim is to tell true-life stories in the most unapologetic and hard-hitting, cinematic way. AO Films CineDocs projects are compelling and suspenseful as well as educational and entertaining. We are leading the charge in creating a new genre of documentary story-telling. 

AO Films is a registered LLC, with exclusive digital distribution rights. We are located in the Washington, D.C. area. AO Films also accepts film concepts and submissions. If you have a compelling story that needs to be told and you would like for us to create a "Pre-Treatment," please contact us. 

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Chief Executive Officer & Founder

AO Films LLC.

Orisha Light Productions

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AO Films are distributed by
AO Films LLC., is a registered entity with the state of Maryland W23850407
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Abassi Okoro has been in the field of creative filmmaking, cinematography and music composition for over 30 years. Abassi has directed and produced various projects including a three year episodic series entitled, "Hey Jerry," commercial projects and online streaming events for local government television and streaming platforms. Abassi's first full-feature length film was produced in 2020 entitled, "Vodou." Abassi filmed and directed the critically acclaimed documentary, "Uncloaked" for Amazon Prime Video. His follow up film was the vastly popular, "Theft of the Black Gods" currently streaming world wide and is listed on Rotten Tomatoes. Upcoming projects includes the films, 'Doors Open Both Ways,' 'Mis'' and 'Theft of the Black Gods' The Series for Amazon Prime Video.

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